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The SwissCelt Creed
We believe in God, the Father, unknowable in His fullest glory, the Creator of all that is, was, and shall be.
We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, who was born, lived as man among men, and taught us the sublime example of life better lived, by whose example we may be saved; who was crucified by the hand of mankind's sinful and jealous nature, and who rose again to sit at the right hand of the Father.
We believe in Sophia, the Consort of the Father, by whom regents rule and the mighty decree justice; who was with the Father forming all things, and delighted to be in His company; by whom all are blessed who seek Her and are cursed who hate Her, as it is written.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who comforts and protects all those who call upon the Divine; who exists through and among us all and among the entities of the Divine; and by whose hand the faithful may perform magick in the name of God.
In all of these things we believe in the pursuit of a better understanding of the Divine. Lest our belief ever become a hindrance to the pursuit, we pray for the aid of God.
Amen, and so mote it be.