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On Human Sexuality
Sin is sin is sin... and Christ releases us from the bonds of sin. Period.

What does this mean? It doesn't mean that we should try even harder not to sin. That would be to allow ourselves to be enslaved again by sin. Rather, it means that sin is completely irrelevant to us, thanks to Christ's salvation.

Have you ever eaten ham? Shrimp? If so, you must know that you've sinned before YHWH. Yet the New Testament reveals that all meat is given to us for food, just as Elohim has commanded. So how is it sinful?

First, we must clarify what "sin" is. It's not synonymous with wrongdoing, although clearly there are many instances of wrongdoing which are also sinful (and vice versa). Sin is an act which causes YHWH to turn away in anger from us. Yet because Christ saves us, we need concern ourselves no longer with YHWH's wrath.

Christ told us to go and sin no more. Not "try not to sin", but don't sin. We need not, and indeed can no longer, act to cause YHWH's wrath. Of course we should also refrain from wrongdoing, but that is covered in Christ's commandment: "All things therefore whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do you also to them." You'll note that consentual sex is condoned, even commanded by implication, by this sentence.